You should also have access to old demogorgon perks since he’s no longer purchasable. it can be countered but it can also totally change the game when survivors think they had it in the bag. it gives you a haste buff and you also one shot survivors with your basic attack. it’s a hex perk (firey bone totem) that activates on a dull totem (if available) once the last gen is completed. also makes them drop blood pools more frequently iirc which can also help you track them. more time survivors take to heal = less time on gens.

Sloppy is an anti healing perk and isn’t a bad option either. spies shoes you noise notifications of crows that survivors disturb (within a certain radius of you IIRC) and whispers will just light up and you’ll get a weird audio whispery sound when a survivor is near you. Spies and whispers also not the worst information perks either, so if you’re having a hard time finding people in general those might be worth considering additionally/in place of bitter. it’ll show you survivors auras after they finish a gen. Bitter murmur is good for information-basically a shittier version of the meta perk BBQ and chili.